Thursday, 30 September 2010

Governors' Course

Thursday, September 30th 2010
The Governors' Course, 'Ofsted - Will You Be Ready?' which, along with governors of other schools , five of us from Blandford St Mary governing body attended on September 21st, was presented and conducted by Mrs. Judy Baker, past Head of our school. It was an excellent evening. The course was full of information without being intimidating. Personally, having absorbed the requirements for OFSTED, I feel confident in the good management of the school under our Head and his team. I know that any information I'm unsure of will be explained to me - one only has to ask!  'Keep informed' was a message I took away with me that evening.
Jenny Haywood

Rights Respecting Schools Validation

Recently attended the Rights Respect in Schools Assembly which was great, with some good singing by all!

Met with the Rights Respect Schools inspector which went very well, and as you will all know the school was successful with it's award of RRS Level 1. Well done!

Best Regards

Mark Willson

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Ofsted - Governor Course Attended

I recently attended the Governor Course on Ofsted and will you be ready.

This was very informative and gave details on what to expect from an Ofsted visit and the governors role in an Ofsted inspection!

I would recommend that all governors attended this course if they get the opportunity.

Best Regards

Mark Willson

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Friday, 24 September 2010

Harvest Festival

Friday, September 24th
The school's Harvest Festival this morning was delightful - very meaningful for the children. I loved Paul's delivery. One is aware that the ambiance of the school, especially on occasions such as today when the children are focusing on the rights of the world's children and on their own responsibilities, is one of safety, security and  reassuring continuity. This must make the lives of certain children easier. How nice it would be if we could think it will be like that at each stage of their young lives.
Jenny Haywood