On January 6th, at Paul's invitation, Dorset County Children's Safeguarding Officer, Angela Burr, came into school to spend the morning with Paul and me. My presence was part of my responsibility as Nominated Governor for Child Protection. Angela's first words as she came through into Paul's office were immediately encouraging. She was impressed with the arrangement and monitoring of the main entrance lobby. This set and maintained the standard.
It was a morning well spent. Paul, clearly organised as always, had everything to hand and he and Angela were checking that everything was in order, with the odd interjected question from me seeking clarification. With one or two minor tweaks, everything was impressively as it should be; the priority being that our children are safe and secure in an environment which cares. A few days later Angela sent a useful report to Paul of our meeting. Our governing body is accountable for ensuring that the school has effective safeguarding policies and procedures in place and has a monitoring responsibility for this, which is why Paul and I meet regularly on this subject. I was able to report to the governors that all was, to my mind, exemplary.
Jenny Haywood - Nominated Governor for Child Protection