Monday, 23 July 2012

End of school year

On Friday, July 20th, the  last assembly of the school year was the Leavers Assembly.
Attended by the whole school and very well supported by parents and friends, standing room only called for extra chairs. Obviously it was an hour where emotions were many and varied.
As a governor, I found the whole experience sheer delight.
In groups of twos, threes or fours, year six had produced technically impressive mini-videos of school memories, tributes, experiences; all presented with panache and great good humour. After each mini-video Mr Lavis introduced the participants to the audience with such positive and fond characterisations that left no doubt to each pupil that they are valued by the school both now and in the future.
There was a lot of laughter and 'fun' was a word used many times. It is clear that these children have enjoyed their years at Blandford St Mary School. For children, enjoyment  is probably the most important aspect of school life. We know that, alongside the security that enjoyment brings, these children have achieved and developed and become a credit to the school, its headmaster and staff.
 Year six are now fully equipped to move on to Secondary Education. So, although it's always sad to see a year leaving, it's a happy, satisfying, fun time into the future.
Good luck to them all and may they continue to enjoy all aspects of their education.
Jennifer Haywood
School Governor

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Messy Church

Popped in to Messy Church  and found it welcoming and well organised.
There were lots of activities laid out including problem solving games and
craft activities. Although there were only a few children there they
joined in the activities with enthusiasm. To begin they were told the
story of Noah and the flood and were invited to parcipate by creating a
flood with swathes of green material.  A huge beautiful rainbow was pulled
from a bag at the end. This was followed by a song and games involving all
the children. Healthy snacks and a drink were available during the
session. If more children could register for this after school activities
I am sure they would have a great time.


Emma Barton

Office Manager

Blandford St Mary CE VA Primary


Monday, 16 July 2012

Year 5 Camp

I have spent the weekend camping at school with year 5. Another time where staff give freely of their time to extend the learning of the pupils.
The weather was dry when we needed it to be, allowing Mr Osborne to run the activities as he had planned. The activities included zorbing, shelter building and orienteering.
The pupils were a delight to be with.
As ever it was a pleasure spending time with the pupils and staff of BSM Primary School.

Mark Phipps

Tuesday, 3 July 2012