In the Celebration Assembly today Year 1 showed all the work they had been busy doing since start of term. They have learnt about homes from the past and especially homes and experiences in Victorian times. The whole class
had been on a visit to the Priests House Museum in Wimborne and enjoyed it very much with lots of hands-on activities and learning about how different life was in those times. The kitchen was a favourite room, the first group of children helping to light the range and other groups cooking biscuits and making lemonade. The playroom was visited and very old toys handled, the rooms of the Museum looked at which were packed with items the Victorian family would have used every day and then into the Victorian classroom. The experience there was very different to school today and all the children agreed they were very happy to be at Blandford St Mary school. An excellent, informative assembly and a big thank you to Year 1 for a yummy slice of Victoria sponge cake !
Anne Davies-Hutton