Monday, 11 February 2013

Enterprise Week

How busy the children and teachers have been this week which resulted in such lovely products being made.  This Fridays assembly each class advertised their products ready for selling to the other children in the afternoon
Reception made terrific dinosaur biscuits, mobiles and badges. 
Year 1 continued with their Victorian theme and made toys such as cup toys and dolls and advertised them by great posters  
Year 2 made windmills and spinners which kept there 'moving and motion' theme and they told us how fantastic they were by clever jingles. 
Year 3 chocolate truffles looked gorgeous and the children's adverts they made were very entertaining. 
Year 4s lavender pillows promoted Fair Trade and produced an outstanding product.
Year 5 battled with technology but the live adverts promoting their jam were first rate and all the children performed brilliantly, I am sure the jam will taste as good as their advertising!
and finally Year 6 made boxes, all different kinds for all different storage uses.
A very successful week with hopefully lots of money being raised in a very productive and educational way.
Jayne Green

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