Wednesday 22 October 2014

Today in Year 1 the children were very busy.  The egg they had been looking after so carefully had hatched leaving only a pile of twigs and leaves.  The very sad fact is that the baby dinosaur was nowhere to be seen !  The children searched the room and looked around the trees and bushes outside.    It was time to get busy and expand the search.

Posters were made with a picture of a baby dinosaur so everyone would know exactly what it would look like and at the top of the poster in large letters the word ‘Missing’
The posters were put up around the school in the hope someone would find the dinosaur.

Some amazing fossils were being found in the sand pit as the children learnt to be
paleontologists and search for remains of creatures that were alive millions of years ago.
Just before home time the story about Tom and his adventures was read with everyone
listening very carefully and quietly. The story was about Tom almost getting stuck in a bog. Fortunately Tom was able to reach out to a nearby fern and haul himself free.
A lively and interesting afternoon with some time spent admiring the new additions to the room – a new fish tank with four beautiful fish swimming very fast indeed !

Anne Davies-Hutton  


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