Friday 8 July 2016

Year 2 Assembly

Year 2 set themselves an amazing task. 30 Days Wild Challenge!
Each day of June, both at school and home, the challenge was to explore the natural environment. They carefully noted what happened when  watercolour art work was left out in the rain, learnt how to make mud paint, made a garden hanging from found natural items and looked in the garden for some wild flowers, the petals of which were made into a rainbow art work. Time was spent observing clouds, barefoot and sound walks were enjoyed and written about.
For parents, carers and visitors to the assembly the treat was delicious garlic bread. The garlic had been planted last autumn and nurtured throughout the winter and spring to produce bulbs, the cloves of which were made into a paste to spread on the bread and then warmed in the oven. The harvest was so plentiful many people were able to take away bulbs for some home cooking ! Well done to Year 2, an excellent presentation with super observational skills demonstrated.
Congratulations to team Bulbarrow with 293 points.   


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